10th Annual WASS Legislative Conference

Thursday, November 9, 2023
Madison, WI
See our great line-up of speakers and topics!
Session Topic:

Navigating the Economic Storm

Speaker: Jason Turner
Chief Investment Strategist & Head of Multi-Asset Strategy
at Great Lakes Advisors, Chicago
CEO’s worldwide rank a pending recession or economic downturn as their top concern in 2023.  Is a recession inevitable?  Will the global economy continue to weaken? How strong are our financial institutions and how does that impact my business?  How can we prepare for success in the volatile months ahead?  Join Jason as he addresses the current state of the economy and where he sees bright spots ahead for the world of staffing!
Session Topic:

Annual Legislative Update
for the Staffing Industry

Speaker: Toby Malara
VP of Government Relations
at American Staffing Association
What hasn’t changed in the past several years?  The political landscape feels like it has everything at a standstill – or is it a landslide?  Join Toby as he takes us through the legislative landscape in Wisconsin and across the country – all while providing his interpretations and predictions on its impact on the staffing industry in our great state
Session Topic:

The Changing World of M&A & its Impact on the Staffing Industry

Speaker: Patrick B. Morin
Partner at Transact Capital Partners

Talent shortages continue to be a challenge for many, yet layoffs are on the rise in industries such as big tech, financial services, retail and even manufacturing.  Not to mention the impact of the changing economic landscape, hybrid workplaces, global instability and changing tax policies and other trends impacting the business climate. How can we best focus our businesses to succeed in this climate of uncertainty?

By staying on top of M&A trends, your staffing firm can better prepare to weather the storm that’s ahead – or better yet, position yourself to grow despite these economic challenges.  Afterall, those businesses and industries that can effectively navigate this uncertainty will always come out ahead! Patrick will bring us up to speed on the current state of the Mergers & Acquisitions market. He will attack this topic from both the buyer’s perspective and the seller’s perspective – giving you key insights to take back to your team as you create your business strategy for 2024.

Session Topic:

Artificial Intelligence and Workplace Law What's New, Novel, and Next

Speaker: Jesse Dill
Shareholder at Olgetree Deakins, Milwaukee

In the past year, artificial intelligence shook the business world like an earthquake!  An explosion of tools catapulted businesses into incorporating large language model artificial intelligence applications into their workplaces – and into the world of human resources and recruiting. While this is new territory and very few areas of the country have passed laws directly regulating artificial intelligence applications, introducing artificial intelligence to your workplace still carries potential risk of violating multiple existing labor and employment laws.

As we muddle through the introduction of these applications, we can't overlook the risks.  So how can we use these tools to create greater efficiencies, while minimizing the risk to our staffing organization?  Listen as Jesse enlightens us with what we know today and how we can prepare for what is to come in this ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence and its use in staffing.

Join us at the
10th Annual WASS Legislative Conference

Thursday, November 9, 2023
8:30 am - 4:00 pm

The Madison Club - 5 E. Wilson Street, Madison, WI

The Wisconsin Association of Staffing Services is excited to host our 10th Annual Legislative Conference.  You won't want to miss this opportunity to gain key insights about how current and pending legislation and the changing economic landscape are affecting the staffing industry in the Wisconsin and around the country.

WASS Members: $100 (first attendee), $60 (each additional attendee)
Non-Members:  $165 (first attendee), $145 (each additional attendee)
Price includes continental breakfast, lunch and beverages.


Registration Deadline - November 2, 2023

Additional event and custom conference sponsorships are still available!
Contact Michelle Kionka at michelle@wass-wi.org for details.

This conference qualifies for 5 CE


                                                                                     Thank you to our Silver Event Sponsor!

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